Taking Time for Children

If you haven’t read “Communion Through the Eyes of Children” on the inside, please stop here and read it before continuing.

Isn’t that beautiful! The future doesn’t seem so bleak when the children of our church tell what Jesus has done for them, and share their knowledge of His Word. And it certainly makes everything we do for children well worth it.

When they are in the nursery they not only find adults and teens who love them, they also learn of Jesus’ love for them. When they drag home their bags of homework from Sunday School we know those bags contain the truth that will guide them throughout their lives. When they are in Wee Worship and Junior Worship we trust they are developing habits of worship that will be with them for all eternity. When they study God’s Word and discuss topics that have a bearing on their faith and witness we are equipping them for what lies ahead. When they stand in awe of all that has been done to make their time in VBS monumental, we pray their faith is being built on a solid foundation.

I am so glad that our church family includes people of all ages, and that we do try to meet the spiritual needs of all. Far too many churches ignore segments of their church that aren’t thought to be relative to current goals and programs.

When Arvin was here to bring us up to date on the work of Oblong Children’s Christian Home, he told me he has a very hard time getting into churches these days. Many have done away with Sunday School and don’t have time for reports about work with children.

I trust we’ll never get so busy doing “important” things that we won’t have time for children. And I ask you to pray for our up-coming VBS, and for other activities that are being planned for the summer months. We may not be doing much on Sunday nights right now, but we certainly have not forgotten the children.

God Bless, Rick